How to setup Delete Archived/Inactive User feature
Last updated
Last updated
To uphold user account security and optimize resource allocation, inactive or archived user accounts are deactivated. It is implemented to mitigate unauthorized access and potential security vulnerabilities.
To set up the feature for deletion of Archived/Inactive User, follow the below steps
Login to ZTrust Admin Console.
Go to Realm Settings.
Click on Localization.
Give any name as locale, for example - Delete-Inactive-User and click on Create.
Provide the Key as Delete-inactive-users and the Value as False.
Click on Save.
For Locale, click on the dropdown and select Delete-Inactive-User.
A table will be displayed, containing the Key-Value pair and the Actions with Edit and Delete option.
Click on Add localization text.
Provide the Key as deletion-time and give any number as the Value, for example - 8
Click on Save.
For Locale, click on the dropdown and select the locale that you created, for example - Delete-Inactive-User.
Click on Add localization text.
Enter the Key as deletion-time-unit and the Value as minutes, hours or days. For Example - minutes.
Click on Save.
Click on Edit Action for Delete-inactive-users.
Change the Value to true from false.
Click on Save.
The feature to delete the archived/inactive user has been configured now.